The Montgomery S.T.E.P. (STRATEGIES TO ELEVATE PEOPLE) Foundation is a faith-centered, nonprofit organization that has been impacting at-risk youth and families for the past 34 years in Montgomery, Alabama. Through success-mentoring programs, violence prevention training, summer enrichment, and leadership development strategies, S.T.E.P. is improving the community by reducing juvenile delinquency, truancy, school and neighborhood violence. We believe that providing a safe and nurturing environment will help the youth we serve in their growth towards their God-given destinies. Our team of dedicated board members, staff, volunteers, church and community partners all work together to provide various impactful programs and services to help at-risk youth overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential. Our goal is to equip them with the tools they need to succeed in life and become productive members of their community. Join us today and make a difference in the lives of at-risk youth in Montgomery, Alabama.

Montgomery S.T.E.P. Foundation is a faith-based non-profit organization that has been serving at-risk youth in Montgomery, Alabama for 34 years. Our mission is to present the Gospel in at-risk communities by mobilizing churches, volunteers, and other agencies who are helping elevate people to a better life.